I went in to have my finger pricked and tested with a hand held glucose monitor. My number came back at 90 which is within range (70-100). I went out to breakfast then came back for my appointment and blood draw. The midwife drew my blood and also tested with the instant hand held tester. My number came back on the monitor at 156. The number should be under 140. My midwife was concerned so she sent me home with the monitor and instructions to track my diet and test periodically until my next appointment.
I came home and started charting and testing. My numbers were high when I expected them to be low and low when I expected them to be high. My husband suggested taking multiple readings at one time so I did. I took 3 reads with numbers of 136, 59, & 91. I called my midwife and she said to come in on Monday to do another blood draw as the monitor must be loopy. She did and while my lab results have not come back she did look at the first results (from after I ate breakfast when my instant read was 156) and the real number from the lab was 126. Within the normal range. The first finger prick I did when fasting was done on a different instant monitor than the one used for my second reading and sent home with me. I expect my labs to come back normal.
All this lead to a stressful week thinking that I had GD, and my baby was in danger (plus an arm and fingers full of marks), all the while it was a bad monitor/test strips.
So glad that is over with and both me and my baby are healthy and can continue to eat as normal.
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