So as I am getting closer to my due date I am making my preparations for my home birth. I have started to accumulate things, starting with the most crucial. I still have a few holes to fill in but here is the list I have accumulated.
1. The Medical Birth Kit - This has all kind of stuff like sterile gloves, pads, chux, etc. This is put together by my Midwife and ordered from a local birth supplies company called "In His Hands". (BTW, this company is run by a sweet little family and does a wonderful job at getting your birth kit to you in a hurry).
2. Birth Pool (Optional) - I did not have a pool last time and enjoyed the water in my garden tub. My midwife has one for her homebirths so I am taking advantage of it. You will need a hose to hook up to your hot water (from water heater or laundry room) and a liner (for sanitary purposes).
3. High gauge plastic drop cloths for carpeted areas and for under the pool.
4. Plastic sheets and pillow cases - I got the ones with zippers that slip over the whole mattress.
5. Back massages - I have a manual one and an electronic one
6. Fetal Doppler (optional as your midwife will have her own) - I bought this at the beginning of my pregnancy and used it a lot from 10 weeks to about 20 weeks. After that you can feel the baby move so you don't need it as much. I like to have this available in early labor before the midwife comes so you can always check fetal heart tones yourself. Note: Renting is a waste of money. Buy this one, it works perfect.
7. Extra bed sheets - flat, fitted, and pillow cases. Some for the birth and some for afterwards. Ones you don't mind getting messed up.
8. Lots of towels (both bath towels and hand towels) - I got some bright pink ones at wal-mart during the back to school time for college students. They are really cheap sets. You could also go to goodwill. Do not use good towels.
9. Scented candles - a scent that is associated with relaxation and good memories.
10. Floor fan in case you get hot
11. Floor heater in case you get cold
12. Heating pad for labor and perineal support
13. Cooling pack for labor and perineal comfort at the birth
14. Big bowl for placenta
15. Bowl or trash can for nausea
16. Camera (of course) - Make sure to have enough space (extra SD cards) and extra batteries
17. Baby supplies (of course) - Cloths, diapers, hats, socks
18. 6 to 8 receiving blankets
19. Chap stick
20. Snack and juice - Nothing too heavy or too acidic. I have some Emergen-C which is helpful during a long labor.
21. Hydrogen Peroxide to remove blood stains22. Trash bags
Some midwives will want you to sterilize all your sheets and towels but I find this unnecessary as your home is not a sterile environment and as long as your stuff in newly washed, I can't see the harm.
This is not an exhastive list and somethings may still be needed and others not used at all but it is a good starting point.